Request for Proposals: AFSC Strategic Plan
Posted by American Friends Service Committee on February 26, 2018
AFSC Stategic Plan – Request for Proposals, American Friends Service Committee
For 100 years, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has worked for peace with justice in the United States and around the world. Founded in response to World War I, AFSC provided food, shelter and medical care to all sides in that and subsequent wars, and worked ceaselessly in the U.S. and at the UN to address the roots of militarism. Over the past century, the AFSC has often been at the forefront of social change movements, carrying out work that many considered experimental and sometimes taking unpopular stands on controversial issues. We’ve joined with communities around the world in struggling with oppression and in working for a world that respects the value and dignity of every person.
As we begin our second century of work, AFSC is launching a re-visioning process. While honoring the achievements of the past, we wish now to look honestly and faithfully at the challenges and needs of this 21st century and to re-examine our place in the world. We envision a strategic planning process which reaches out broadly to partners and constituencies around the globe, to staff and to governance members, to Quakers and other faith and non-faith partners, in order to answer the question:
What are we called to do, at this moment in history, to build the world we long to see?
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite prospective bidders to submit a proposal to facilitate this process, and to work closely with us to develop and disseminate a new strategic plan for 2020-2030.
The strategic planning process will be under the direction of the AFSC General Secretary, as approved by AFSC Board of Directors in January 2018. Consultations and information gathering will be done in conjunction with key staff members in the AFSC Central Office in Philadelphia and in offices around the world. A draft timeline for the process is attached.
Please visit to view the complete proposal.
*All proposals must be received by 5:00 pm EST on March 6, 2018. Proposals received after this deadline will not be given primary consideration. A transmittal letter and proposal should be sent to [email protected] as an Adobe PDF. Other formats will not be accepted. Proposals will be accepted from both firms and individual consultants Consultants selected for further consideration must be available for a telephone interview on March 13, 2018
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