Report: Hard Choices Ahead for PA School Districts
Posted by Temple University on April 17, 2017
Hard Choices Ahead for PA School Districts
A recent policy brief from the Center on Regional Politics, “Hard Choices Still Ahead,” forecasts the fiscal future for all 500 school districts in PA for the period 2015-16 through 2019-20. The brief and supporting interactive graphics and maps project budget shortfalls that will require program cuts, higher taxes, or a combination of the two for the vast majority of Pennsylvania school districts. In short, the hard choices most districts have faced in the recent past will continue, making a decade of fiscal stress “the new normal” for most public schools, teachers, students, and their families.
Read the news post with interactive graphics and maps showing PA school district maps, including options to view actual spending and projections by PA House and Senate districts.
View the research at a glance on this topic.
View the full policy brief.
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