Rebuilding the Real Economy: Nourishing Local Foods and Farmers
Posted by on January 04, 2010
Rebuilding the Real Economy: Nourishing Local Foods and Farmers
11th Annual Conference – Future Harvest – Chesapeake Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture
January 15-16, 2010
National Conservation Training Center (NCTC)
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Join the discussion! Be part of Future Harvest- CASA’s 2010 Annual Conference, the most comprehensive annual sustainable agriculture event in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Set your sights on Shepherdstown, WV, on Jan. 15-16 for two days of connecting with people involved in all aspects of the local food system. In the spirit of open discussion and sharing knowledge, learn how to improve the sustainability of your farm operation and cover new local marketing opportunities that can increase your bottom line.
Choose from in-depth pre-conference workshops that will tell you everything you need to know about raising sheep and goats or how to incorporate cheesemaking into your dairy operation.
Download Brochure (PDF file) or click here to see the full schedule.
Online Registration (through PayPal) NOW OPEN! You may also register through the mail with a check, using the registration form in the brochure. If you have not received a brochure yet and would like one, please email us at [email protected].
You MUST PRE-REGISTER for the conference this year due to NCTC being a federal facility. The deadline to register if you are staying overnight has been extended. Registration Deadline is now January 4. There will be NO AT-THE-DOOR Registration this year!
Become a Sponsor!
Conference sessions, led by the area’s best researchers, extension experts, experienced farmers, and innovative food marketers are guaranteed to stimulate your imagination for what’s possible on and off the farm and in your community. Among them:
* Fund Your Project: Partners for farm and food ideas
* Innovative farm-to-school programs
* Marketing grass based products
* Sustainable Tomato Disease Control
* Farmers’ markets and CSAs at hospitals
* Maryland Grazers Network Mentoring Program
* Spreading the Good Food Movement
* Marketing 101: Farm-to-Plate
* Food Alliance certification comes to the East Coast
* Understanding value added processing regulations
* Economic aspects of multi-species grazing
* Food Policy Councils
* Urban Agriculture and Food Justice
* …and much much more!
Contact us at [email protected] to put yourself on the conference mailing list.
More in "National Conferences & Calls for Proposal"
- Invitation to Shape Research Agenda for Service-Learning and Community Engagement – Mar 30 & Apr 3-4
- Data on Purpose Virtual Summit: Reimagining the Digital Future: Harnessing AI for Social Good – May 6-7
- Save the Date: Leadership Institute for Women and Gender-Diverse Leaders – Dec 2-3
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