Realizing a Multiracial Democracy for All
Posted by Stanford Social Innovation Review on May 14, 2024
The Founding Fathers of the United States did not include the whole of the country when they penned the words “We, the People.” It’s the families, neighbors, and communities of this multiracial nation who have believed in more and driven us closer to the promise of democracy.
To kick off a new in-depth series sponsored by PolicyLink, Dr. Michael McAfee issues a call for individual and institutional self-renewal so we can re-found the United States as a thriving multiracial democracy:
“We must own the right to make this country better, on our terms. We can and must be the founders of a nation where all have equal protection, our economy is designed to benefit people and the planet, not just profit, and we have rectified the harms of the past to open the possibility of a new future.”
Read more and follow the new series, Realizing a Multiracial Democracy for All.
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