Real Teachers: True Stories of Renegade Educators
Posted by Community Works Institute on December 08, 2014
Real Teachers: True Stories of Renegade Educators
For a new teachers, Real Teachers, is a must read, and with haste before the educational system wears you into their decided groove. For veteran teachers (especially those in the public school arena) this book will restore faith in what you know is “real teaching” over the consistent drone of data driven instruction and assessments that dominates most school led professional dialogue. This is a book for all stakeholders invested in education including parents, administration and even students. Education’s rich history is currently being condensed to a very narrow and constricted agenda. Grauer talks about how the educational system has succumbed to this rush for standardization in an effort to create equity in education, but in doing so much has been lost. We completely subscribe to his sentiment that it is time for “a slow education” movement.
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