READYHome Emergency Preparedness Workshop
Posted by ONE Feltonville CDC on June 6, 2016
READYHome Factsheet
According to a 2007 Harris Poll, (#54) just over half (58%) of Americans say they are prepared for a long-term power outage or a disaster such as a hurricane, earthquake, flood, wild land fire, or terrorist attack by having the necessary supplies, including extra food and water for three days. However, the number of those who say they are “very prepared” is just 14 percent compared to the 44 percent who are somewhat prepared.
In this workshop we cover the types of emergencies, what a homeowner needs to evacuate or shelter in place. Some basic questions we ask during the workshop are:
What kind of emergency may affect you?
What supplies will you need?
Where will you go if you need to evacuate?
What will you do with your pet?
How can you help when an emergency strikes?
All Philadelphians are encouraged to participate in the Office of Emergency Management’s READYHome workshop. Kids to adults, neighborhoods to church or civic groups are all welcome to participate or host a workshop.
Time Requirement: This workshop typically takes 45 minutes to 1 hour to present.
The Next ONE Feltonville CCDC Meeting on Tuesday, June 21st at 6:30 PM at Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo Dia located at A Street and Wyoming Avenue will address “EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS” in Philadelphia; at home and in the community.
Our well informed guest will be the City’s Office of Emergency Management of the Managing Director’s Office. ( You may have heard a lot about them in last year’s AMTRAK Train 188 derailment disaster in the Port Richmond/Frankford section of Philly.
“OEM” responds and coordinates all city and emergency services during a weather or disaster emergency. My personal experience with them was as a PCART volunteer during the “Superstorm Sandy” Disaster Co-located Shelter at Fels High School in N. E Philadelphia. During such emergencies, PCART and OEM staff shelters for animals and their humans at appropriate locations, along with American Red Cross, Salvation Army and Exciting, and necessary work!
We sincerely hope you will join us for this “Ready Home” Workshop as part of our regular monthly meeting. This is a “Public” meeting–Open to ALL, in or outside the Feltonville Community, so please feel free to share and/or invite others.
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