Quarterly PHENND Meeting: Volunteer Training and Student Leadership
Posted by on October 31, 2003
Quarterly PHENND Meeting focusing on Volunteer Training and Student Leadership
Wednesday, November 5, 2003
9 AM – 11:30 AM
Van Rensalaer Hall, 1st floor
Drexel University
(Powelton between 33rd and 34th)
The Quarterly PHENND Meeting is a chance for the entire PHENND Network to get together to share ideas, events, difficulties, etc. It is also a time to hear from the PHENND Staff about our activities and opportunities for partnership. We have been quite busy so I do hope you will make the meeting.
The theme for this meeting will be Volunteer Training and Student Leadership and we will be joined by Ariane Hoy, Co-Director of Action Withour Borders/COOL. The COOL Conference will be held on Penn’s campus this year, so this meeting will be a great opportunity to learn more about the conference and how your students or organization can participate in – and help shape – the conference.
For information about COOL and the COOL Conference, visit http://www.cool2serve.org/
We will also have a presentation by CommuniShare, a group that has developed a “PHENND People Exchange” website, designed to further enhance the PHENND Community.
You can RSVP to this event through Idealist.org or by emailing Hillary at [email protected].
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