Public Health Point/Counterpoint
Posted by on September 09, 2013
In 2013-2014 the Penn Center for Public Health Initiatives will present a seminar series entitled Public Health Point/Counterpoint. Each event within the series will discuss a key public health issue or approach in a debate format, allowing for a variety of opinions and viewpoints to be represented. Our fall events include:
Tuesday, September 17, 12 – 1:30pm | RSVP
Can increasing taxes change behavior and improve health?
Giridhar Mallya, MD, MSHP
Director of Policy and Planning
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Donald S. Kenkel, PhD
Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management
College of Human Ecology
Cornell University
Friday, November 15th, 12 – 1:30pm | RSVP
HIV Programming and Policy in the US:
Will treatment as prevention overshadow the efforts of behavior change programs?
Myron S. Cohen, MD
J. Herbert Bate Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology and Epidemiology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Robert M. Grant, MD, MPH
Professor, Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
More details and events will be announced soon! We will also be running a second seminar series on Public Health in Action. Visit for information on both series.
More in "Other Local Events and Workshops"
- Webinar: Strategies for Minimizing Your Nonprofit’s Employment Law Risks in this New Legal Landscape – Mar 25
- PANO and Nonprofit Center at LaSalle: Virtual Panel & Conversation – Mar 13
- Webinar: Solutions to the Youth Mental Health Crisis – Mar 11
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