Public Forum on Media Ownership
Posted by on December 15, 2006
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Thursday, Jan 18th, 2007
Public Forum on Media Ownership
With Federal Communications Commissioners Michael J. Copps and Jonathan S. Adelstein
(Additional Panelists TBA)
January 18th, 2007 – 6:00 p.m.
Temple University, Gladfelter Hall
Media Tank is hosting a Public Forum on Media Ownership with FCC Commissioners Michael J. Copps and Jonathan S. Adelstein and additional panelists to discuss media diversity, ownership, and consolidation.
Immediately following the panel YOU will be given the opportunity to give public testimony to the FCC and elected officials on these important issues.
REMEMBER: If you haven’t already, file a comment about these important issues with the FCC NOW! It’s not too late to file a comment with the FCC about these issues before the comment period deadline on Dec 21st. Media Tank has made it easy for you, check it out…
As you may have heard, on June 21 of this year, the FCC announced that it would once again be reviewing the rules that determine how much media conglomerates are allowed to own and grow. If these rules are further relaxed, media ogres like News Corp, Clear Channel, Disney, General Electric, and CBS will be allowed to buy up more media outlets and grow even bigger. This poses a major threat to our communications system and our democracy.
This is the first time the FCC has revisited these rules since 2003 when the commission voted to loosen a number of the remaining media ownership limits. As you may recall, the FCC’s attempt at relaxing the rules was met with a lawsuit from Philadelphia’s own Prometheus Radio Project. That case stopped the media ownership change when a federal judge ruled that they had not adequately justified their decision to change the rules.
With the FCC revisiting these rules, we are once again at risk of losing these important public safeguards. As the Supreme Court noted in 1969, “it is the right of the viewers and listeners, not the right of the broadcasters, which is paramount.” These safeguards ensure that the needs and rights of the public are not lost in the business dealings of broadcaster corporations.
More background information can be found at:
If you’re able to do any of the following things, you will be joining millions of other Americans across the country who are standing up against further media consolidation and the major media giants!
1. Mark your calendar! Come to Temple University on January 18, 2007 at 6pm for the panel discussion and testimony. Keep checking our website,, for more information
2. Get your 2-minute long testimony together and RSVP to get on our list to speak out at the forum by emailing [email protected]
3. Make your voice heard by filing a comment with the FCC. Media Tank has made it simple for you. Just click and let the FCC know what you think
4. Find out more about the issues and why this fight matters:
5. If you haven?t already, sign up for Media Tank?s email listserv (check out the left hand column at and stay up-to-date on the issues and the upcoming forum in January
6. Pass this email along to your friends! Tell them to file a comment too and bring them to the public hearing in January.
Media Tank
100 S. Broad St., Ste 1318
Philadelphia, PA 19110
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