Proposed Budget: Corporation for National and Community Service
Posted by on March 17, 2014
Earlier this month, President Obama is sending his Fiscal Year 2015 Budget proposal to Congress, including proposed funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
Overall, the President’s Budget requests $1.05 billion for CNCS and its programs, which is slightly above the FY 2014 enacted level. At a time of fiscal constraint, this Budget demonstrates the President’s continuing commitment to national service and community solutions.
The Budget funds a record 114,000 AmeriCorps members and provides new benefits to seniors who serve through AmeriCorps. This number includes an estimated 75,000 AmeriCorps State and National members (an increase of 4,000 over this year), 30,000 members who will transition from the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs, 7,800 AmeriCorps VISTA members, and 1,200 AmeriCorps NCCC members.
The Budget includes a proposal to reorganize Senior Corps programs, by transitioning the existing Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program models into AmeriCorps; Foster Grandparents will become AmeriCorps Foster Grandparents, and Senior Companions will become AmeriCorps Senior Companions. Each program would retain its specific historical focus and program model, so AmeriCorps Foster Grandparents and AmeriCorps Senior Companions will continue to engage in the same types of activities under the competitive framework of AmeriCorps with valuable new benefits.
Under this proposal, participants would be eligible to receive, for the first time, a new type of Segal AmeriCorps education award. AmeriCorps Foster Grandparents and AmeriCorps Senior Companions could use the award themselves, or give it to their children, grandchildren, or (for Foster Grandparents) the children they have mentored through their service. This award is also more flexible, and could be used to pay for educational and enrichment programming, like afterschool programs or summer camps for family members. The Budget also proposes to integrate the most competitive RSVP projects into the Volunteer Generation Fund.
The Budget supports the growth of innovative, evidence-based programs through the Social Innovation Fund. The Social Innovation Fund generates significant non-federal funds to support effective programs that improve the lives and expand economic opportunity for low-income individuals. The Budget maintains the high level of funding enacted in 2014, and continues to reserve up to 20 percent of funds for innovative Pay for Success initiatives.
The Budget also provides key resources to strengthen the nation’s volunteer sector, support the vital work of State Service Commissions, and support a robust research and evaluation agenda to help find and share effective practices.
The CNCS website budget page has further information on the President’s budget request, including a Budget in Brief and FAQs document. The full Congressional Budget Justification will be posted on our website on Friday.
Budget in Brief:
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