Professional Development Opportunity for Executive Leaders – Sep 20

Posted by Center for Youth Development Professionals on September 15, 2020

This Spring, the entire world experienced multiple traumas related to the emergence of Covid-19, and the awaking (for some) to the centuries old systemic racism and white supremacy that is part of our American history, and our non-profit and youth-serving organizations. We started the Executive Leaders Trauma Informed Professional Learning Community (PLC) in 2018, and feel that it is more important now than ever for executive leaders to have a safe space to deepen and expand their learning about the impact of trauma as it pertains to our communities, our organizations including, participants, staff, volunteers, and board of directors.

From a participant: “I thought it was packed with valuable information and tools and was delivered in a frame and tone that recognized and understood the uncertainty, fear, skepticism that the idea of implementing trauma-informed anything can evoke. I think I will be unpacking the content for years.”

Learn more and complete the application to reserve a spot for your organization:

Applications are Due September 20th, and we anticipate a start of October 7th.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us: [email protected]

You can also learn more about the Center for Youth Development Professionals (est. 2018), the sponsoring organization, here:




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