Planning and Action Forums for Educators & Policy Leaders – Dec 13-14, Feb 6-7
Posted by Campus Compact on November 15, 2022
We are excited to host the first two forums in the CLDE Coalition‘s series of five Planning and Action Forums for Educators & Policy Leaders. These forums are presented by the CLDE Coalition and the University of Virginia’s Karsh Institute of Democracy with generous support from The Endeavor Foundation.
Registration is now open for the first two forums:
College Civic Learning for an Engaged Democracy: New Urgency, New Vision, New Educator–Policy Leader Alliances, December 13-14, 2022, 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Bridging the Divides, Including All Students: Diversity, Equity, and High-Impact Civic Learning Pathways, February 6-7, 2023, 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm
About the first two forums
The December and February forums will help educators and policy leaders explore:
- A Civic and Democracy-Focused Learning Framework that college educators, systems, and consortia can tailor for students, programs, and community partnerships.
- Campus Examples in which civic learning includes all students and in particular gives voice to students from historically underserved communities.
- Policy Initiatives that can help scale civic learning for an engaged democracy, including candid discussions about enabling vs. imposing.
- New Research that details both the strong benefits of civic learning for students and the deep disparities among students who participate.
- Crosswalks between K–12 and postsecondary civic learning redesigns.
- Creative Strategies for connecting civic learning for an engaged democracy with other top student success and policy priorities, such as completion, equity, free academic inquiry and civil discourse, high-impact educational practices, and project-based learning.
- Practical Advice from leaders in diverse settings about how their institutions moved from making civic learning available as an option to achieving the full participation of all students.
Forum attendees will receive planning tools to assess their current civic learning strengths, challenges, and opportunities and to choose priorities for planning and action.
More in "Miscellaneous"
- Campus Compact Engaged Scholars Initiative
- Higher Education Learning Community Virtual Winter Meeting: virtual tutoring best practices – Mar 27
- Webinar: Navigating Detours: Resetting Your Strategic Plan When the Unexpected Strikes – Apr 1
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