Philly Beyond Oil 2006
Posted by on September 29, 2006
Philly Beyond Oil 2006
Building a Just Society Beyond Peak Oil and Global Warming
Saturday, October 14, 2006
8:30 AM ? 4:00 PM
Friends Meeting, 4th and Arch St. Philadelphia
Ever rising energy prices and global warming challenge all of us to change the way we use energy. We can reduce our fossil fuel use while making our city a better place to live. Our goal in this conference is to take the next steps, individually and together.
Recognize the growing impact of global warming on our lives. Join us in charting the next steps for our city
Learn about the paths others have taken which provide models to us.
? First hand report on Cuba?s sustainable, organic agriculture
? Hear how Austin, Texas is on target to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions
Registration is $35, $20 without lunch, (You must register by Oct. 5 to receive lunch), to register Online: Please register by October 5th to ensure that you get a lunch!
By Mail: Dennis Winters, ECA, 1924 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1404 (215) 988-0929, x242
Cosponsored by: Energy Coordinating Agency, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Sierra Club of SE PA, Perks Reutters Associates, Clean Air Council, White Dog Foundation, Earthcare Working Group of PYM (Quakers), Henry George School, Farm to City
Supported by: Green Party of Philadelphia, ActionPA, Alliance for a Sustainable Future, Sustainable Business Network
To See the Agenda:
Meet fellow Philadelphians who are already putting solutions in place:
? Local food production
? Energy efficiency in buildings
? Clean, affordable transportation
Speakers (partial list): Pat Murphy, Producer, Cuba the Community Solution; Dr. John Byrne, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware; Juan Garza, CEO, Austin Energy (invited); Liz Robinson, Ann Karlen, Bob Pierson, Mary Corboy, Roxanne Christensen, Bill Marston, Dennis Winters, Mike Ewall, Maurice Sampson, Mike Groman
Enjoy a Lunch of locally grown, organic food
Register to participate in the Sustainability Fair to show new ways to reduce energy consumption
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