Philadelphia Summer Jobs Challenge
Posted by on February 10, 2014
Nutter announces summer job challenge
In the midst of the snow on Tuesday, January 21st, Mayor Michael A. Nutter launched the 2014 Summer Jobs Challenge, which will help grow the skills of emerging professionals and ignite young people’s desire to develop educational and professional pathways.
During the press conference, Mayor Nutter announced that predictions for summer 2014 forecast that slightly more than 4,000 WorkReady summer jobs will be available, which would be the lowest number of summer jobs for young people since 2003.
Last year the Philadelphia Youth Network (PYN) launched a similar challenge and was able to increase the number of opportunities offered citywide to 7,600. This was in large part thanks to the business community, which united to support more than 1,600 summer employment opportunities, the highest level of collective support since the launch of WorkReady in 2003. However, despite these efforts, close to 11,000 youth applied through WorkReady but were not able to work due to a shortage of opportunities.
The 2014 Summer Jobs Challenge hopes to encourage area businesses to once again offer a significant number of summer job opportunities for Philadelphia.
Interested organizations can fill out the 2014 Worksite and Sponsor Registration Form in order to hire summer interns to work for six weeks – July 1st through August 8th. If an organization’s work environment isn’t conducive to bringing a young person on board, the organization also has the opportunity to subsidize the cost of a work experience elsewhere.
Visit the website here.
For more information, contact Farrah Farnese at 267-502-3702 or by email at [email protected].
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