PHENND K-16 June Institute: Purpose Driven Education – Jun 4

Posted by PHENND on March 18, 2025

PHENND K-16 June Institute: Purpose Driven Education
Wednesday, June 4, 2025 at Community College of Philadelphia
9:00am to 4:00pm 

Each year the 2025 PHENND K-16 June Institute focuses on a topic of interest to the local K-16 community. This year’s theme is Purpose Driven Education and will feature F. Joseph Merlino and Deborah Pomeroy, authors of New Era, New Urgency: The Case for Repurposing Education (Lexington Books, 2024). Joe and Deborah will discuss their book, provide historical context for the various eras of public education, and lay out, in their words, “…the educational challenges associated with entering a new era, such as catastrophic climate change, advanced artificial intelligence, massive demographic shifts, and worldwide digital disinformation campaigns. This era calls for a new urgency in thinking about how we will educate present and future generations of young people”.

They will also share, along with fellow students and instructors, their international work in educational reform and focus on their groundbreaking work in Egypt. Finally, Institute participants will hear about local efforts in purpose driven education and engage in an activity designed to help us develop a purpose driven approach to working with our young people.

For more information, and to register, please click here.

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