Pennsylvania Budget Briefing
Posted by on February 13, 2004
United Way of Southeastern PA to host Pennsylvania Budget Briefing
The United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania will host a budget briefing to review and discuss health and human service-related issues in the proposed 2004-05 Pennsylvania state budget. Michael Masch, Secretary for the Budget, Estelle Richman, Secretary for the PA Department of Public Welfare, and State Representative John Taylor are confirmed participants.
The budget briefing will be at the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania, 7 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, on March 5, from 10 AM to 12 Noon.
Other invited guests are State Senator Robert Thompson, Chair of the Senate Appropriations, and Larry Segal, Special Assistant to the Governor. Other leaders from Harrisburg will be invited to participate in breakout sessions focusing on health care, housing, and TANF (welfare).
The goal of the forum is to present timely and detailed information on the Administration’s state budget proposal relating to health and human services.
Attendance is by registration only. Email your reservation by replying to [email protected]. Please provide your Name, Organization, Email, and indicate a preferred breakout session directly into your email. Your breakout choices are: Health Care, Housing , or TANF
The agenda includes:
10:00 AM State Budget Presentations by Michael Masch, Estelle Richman, and invited Senate & House Republican leadership
11:00 AM Breakout Sessions (facilitated by various leadership)
? Health Care, led by PA Health Law Project and CARIE
? Housing, led by Philadelphia Neighborhood Development Collaborative and Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania.
? TANF, led by Philadelphia Welfare Coalition
12 Noon Conclusion
For more information, call Joe Willard at 215.665.2584 or email him at [email protected].
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