PennFuture’s 2006 Election Forum
Posted by on October 20, 2006
Earthquake or Mere Blip? PennFuture’s 2006 Election Forum
On Monday, November 13, 2006 from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM, PennFuture will answer the question on everybody’s lips ? Were the 2006 Elections an Earthquake, permanently changing Pennsylvania’s political landscape, or just a minor blip, with business as usual in store?
Starring some of Pennsylvania’s best known and frequently quoted elected officials, statewide pundits and pollsters, PennFuture’s Seventh Annual Post-Election Forum offers an unprecedented opportunity to hear why the election turned out the way it did and what it means for public policy in 2007.
The forum begins at 10:00 AM with panelists discussing the election results featuring:
* Carrie Budoff, political reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer
* Flavia Colgan, CNBC and MSNBC Commentator
* Donna Cooper, secretary of planning and policy for Governor Rendell
* Pete DeCoursey, reporter and Harrisburg bureau chief for Capitolwire
* Senator John Rafferty (R-Montgomery, Berks and Chester)
* Representative Mike Veon (D-Beaver), House minority whip
The forum will be moderated by John Hanger, president and CEO of Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture).
Lunch follows the panel and features pollster Dr. G. Terry Madonna, director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs, Franklin and Marshall College.
Tickets to the forum, which is being held at the Harrisburg Hilton, are $25 for the general public, $15 for PennFuture members.
To purchase tickets, go to PennFuture’s secure website or call 800-321-7775.
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