Partnerships for Older Adults Program
Posted by on November 21, 2003
[posted from RFP Bulletin]
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Invites Letters of Intent for Community Partnerships for Older Adults Program
Deadline: January 9, 2004 (Letters of Intent)
Community Partnerships for Older Adults, a $20-million, multi-year initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ( ), is designed to foster the efforts of local public-private partnerships to improve long-term care and supportive services for at-risk older adults.
In the program’s second round of funding, up to seventeen communities will receive development grants of up to $150,000. Development grantees then will have an opportunity to compete for grants to implement the activities described in their plans, with twelve development grantees being selected for implementation grant awards averaging $750,000 over four years.
To be eligible, an applicant must demonstrate that a core group of community leaders has been working together as a partnership for at least two years. Partnerships must encompass a geographic area with at least 10,000 residents aged 60 or older. Exceptions will be made for rural communities. Statewide efforts/agencies as well as universities, hospital-based health systems, professional associations, and for-profit entities are not eligible to apply.
Proposals will be evaluated based on evidence of the partnership’s success in improving the lives of older adults; the clarity and feasibility of the project’s scope, goals, objectives, strategic plan, and budget; and meaningful participation by older adults.
To download the complete call for proposals, visit the RWJF Web site. All letters of intent and proposals must be submitted online to the program’s national office: <a href=""></a>
RFP Link: <a href=""></a>
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