Panel Discussion and Volunteer Recognition Ceremony
Posted by on April 21, 2006
Delaware County Asset Development Group (DelCoAD) invites you to participate in a briefing and panel discussion on regional growth and prosperity followed by our 4th Annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony, where will we recognize the students and community members who have provided free income tax assistance to low income families in Delaware County this tax season.
The briefing and panel discussion is joinly sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition and PathWaysPA which will focus on a newly released report by PolicyLink, a national organization that examines what five U.S. regions – including Greater Philadelphia – are doing to become more economically competitive and socially inclusive.
Presenting information from PolicyLink’s new report, Shared Prosperity, Stronger Regions: An Agenda for Rebuilding America’s Older Core Cities, will be Radhika Fox, senior associate, PolicyLink.
The briefing will be held:
Thursday, April 27
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Widener University
University Center
Webb Room (14th and Chestnut Streets)
Chester, PA 19013
There is no charge to attend but space is limited. Please RSVP by April 21 to Ann Delcollo at 610.543.5022 or [email protected].
It will be followed by the DelCoAD 2006 Volunteer Recognition Ceremony for all of the students and community volunteers who prepared taxes for low-income residents of Delaware County at ten participating community sites.
Thursday, April 27
Widener University
Student Center
5:30 PM – Volunteer Recpgnition Ceremony
DelCoAD is convened by PHENND. Partners include Widener University, Swarthmore College, Rosemont College, and several community based organizations. For more details, visit
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