PA Community on Transition Conference
Posted by on June 20, 2011
Subject: PaTTAN Training Announcement – 2011 PA Community on Transition Conference
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education is pleased to announce the following conference opportunity:
Title: 2011 PA Community on Transition Conference – Breaking Boundaries – Achieving Goals
July 20, 2011 – 10:00 am – 5:15 pm
Breaking Boundaries – Achieving Goals: An Integrated Approach to Successful Transition
July 21, 2011 – 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Breaking Boundaries – Achieving Goals: Ensuring Healthy Transitions for All Youth and Young Adults
July 22, 2011 – 8:30 am – 1:15 pm
Breaking Boundaries – Achieving Goals: Youth Taking Action
Location: Penn Stater Conference Center, State College, PA
Credits offered:
Act 48 Clock Hours, CRCC
Daily credit is being offered. You must attend entire day of the conference you would like to receive Act 48 credit.
The vision of the PA Community on Transition is that all Pennsylvania youth and young adults with disabilities will successfully transition to the role of productive, participating, adult citizens. Youth will be empowered to recognize their talents, strengths and voice and have equal access to resources that promote full participation in the communities of their choice.
The primary purpose of this conference is to expand the capacity of schools and communities, in partnership with youth, young adults and families, in promoting the successful transition of youth/young adults with disabilities to post-school outcomes of employment, post-secondary education and training, community participation and healthy lifestyles. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about effective practices to assist youth/young adults with disabilities to break through boundaries and achieve their goals.
The primary focal points of this year’s conference are:
– Promoting success of all youth and young adults by addressing the transition needs of those who are at-risk and struggling
– Empowering families and caregivers with transition knowledge and resources
– Engaging youth and young adults in social interactions, understanding their potential, and building leadership skills
– Building leadership skills of all transition stakeholders to promote successful outcomes of youth and young adults
– Using transition and career assessment, universal design, accommodations and supports to build the foundation for self-determination and self-advocacy
– Linking transition, health and healthy lifestyles to promote success in adult life by empowerment through self-determination and self-advocacy
– Showcasing evidence-based and effective practices with youth outcome data
– Building and supporting community partnerships
The conference will feature:
– Keynote and feature presentations
– Approximately 80 breakout sessions
– Sessions and activities designed for youth and young adults by the PA Youth Leadership Network
– Family engaging sessions and networking opportunities
– Accommodations and Supports Expo, featuring a hands-on assistive technology exhibits, vendor displays and resource tables
Target Audience:
Youth & Young Adults ; Families & Caregivers; Foster Parents; Youth Served in Foster Care; Advocates; Special Educators; Education Administrators; Agency Administrators; Secondary Educators; Career and Technology Educators; Vocational Rehabilitation Staff; Higher Education Professionals; School Nurses, Family Health Representatives; Business/Employers; Workforce Investment Board Members; CareerLink Staff
Local Youth Councils; Local Service Providers; Regional Dept. of Public Welfare Staff; Guidance Counselors; Psychologists; Assistive Technology Professionals; Independent Living Staff; Drug and Alcohol Program Workers; Juvenile Justice Affiliates; Mental Health Services Workers; Local Government Officials; Mental Retardation Staff; Medical Assistance Program Staff; Social Security Staff/Social Security Benefits Counselors; Social Workers; Transportation Affiliates; Public and Private Child Welfare Workers; Regional Career Education Partnerships for Youth Affiliates & Staff
Registration Fee:
The transition conference registration fee is $125 no matter how many days you attend. Cash or checks only are accepted and checks can be made payable to: Intermediate Unit 1 and sent to Mary Gordon at PaTTAN Pittsburgh at 3190 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 before arriving at the conference.
A complete list of conference hotels is listed in the conference brochure which can be also be accessed on the PaTTAN website. Unfortunately we only have a limited number of rooms available at the Penn Stater which are reserved for conference staff and volunteers only and submitted via a rooming list.
Youth, Young Adult and Family Scholarships are available by contacting Mary Gordon at PaTTAN Pittsburgh at [email protected] or by calling 412-826-6871.
The scholarship covers the cost of one hotel room at a double occupancy rate for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, July 19, 20, and 21, 2011. All youth/young adults and/or families/caregivers who are provided a scholarship will have their hotel reservations made for them at a hotel located near the conference site. This scholarship only covers the cost of the hotel room; other hotel costs are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient (i.e. phone charges, room service, etc.). The conference registration fee of $125 will be waived for each family member and/or youth receiving a scholarship. Scholarship recipients will be responsible for their own mileage and evening meals. Transportation arrangements to, from and during the conference are the sole responsibility of participants.
You may register directly on-line by visiting and entering the Registration On-line page.
Content Related Information and Questions:
Michael Stoehr at PaTTAN-Pittsburgh, 412-826-6864 – [email protected]
General Registration Information and Questions:
Mary Gordon at PaTTAN-Pittsburgh, 412-826-6871 – [email protected]
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education is pleased to announce the following pre-conference opportunity:
This session is sponsored by The Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) through a grant to the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (CFDA # 93.768).
2011 PA Community on Transition Pre-Conference
OMG, I need a job! – Strategies and Tools for Employment
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
This is a separate registration from the 2011 PA Community on Transition Conference
The purpose of this pre-conference session is to promote transition from school to employment. The morning will focus on a person-centered planning tool, One-Page Description. This tool can be used in a variety of settings, including at school and on-the-job to assist youth and young adults in identifying their employment needs and accessing the support they need to be successfully employed. One-Page Descriptions are helpful to family members, caregivers, youth, young adults, educators and other professionals who support people who are looking for employment. Participants will have the opportunity to develop a One Page Description during the session. The afternoon will focus on job seeking in 2011 and beyond. Presenters, including youth/young adults, employers, education system representatives and vocational rehabilitation staff will share information about the changing job market and how to prepare youth/young adults to find employment in this new, virtual world. Topics to be discussed include the use of social media, online job application, and the evolving job market. An opportunity for participants to discuss employment strategies and tools will be provided
Target Audience:
Stakeholders supporting post-school outcomes for youth/young adults with disabilities including: Families/Caregivers; Youth/young adults involved in secondary transition planning; Intermediate unit and school district transition consultants; General, special education, and career and technical education teachers and supervisors; MR Supports Coordinators, Supports Coordination Organization Staff, Administrative Entity Staff; Community adult service/rehabilitation providers (employment, vocational and others); Vocational Rehabilitation counselors and supervisors; Others interested in secondary transition planning.
For More Information:
Registration Information:
Please register for this event by visiting our homepage at
For content information:
Michael Stoehr, 412-826-6864 or [email protected]
For registration information:
Mary Gordon, 412-823-6871 or email [email protected]
There is no charge for this pre-conference session.
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