Out-of-School Time Program Evaluation Database
Posted by on June 4, 2004
For those interested in evaluation of out-of-school time programs, we have expanded our online Out-of-School Time Program Evaluation Database and Bibliography. We have added 13 new written profiles of out-of-school time programs and their evaluations, including:
* 4-H Youth Development Program – national (non-experimental design)
* Academic Support Services Program (non-experimental)
* Baltimore City Youth Bureaus’ Experimental Program (quasi-experimental)
* Gevirtz Homework Project (experimental)
* Hmong Youth Pride (non-experimental and quasi-experimental)
* NikeGO After School Program (non-experimental)
* Project EMERGE (non-experimental and quasi-experimental)
* Sacramento Start (non-experimental and quasi-experimental)
* Schools Uniting Neighborhoods Initiative (non-experimental)
* Siblings of Children With Developmental Disabilities After School Support Program (experimental)
* Summer Bridge (non-experimental and quasi-experimental)
* Transition to Success Pilot Project (non-experimental and quasi-experimental)
* YS-CARE (quasi-experimental)
We have also updated our profile of the Maryland After School Community Grant Program and the Totally Cool, Totally Art Program.
To our bibliography of out-of-school time evaluation reports we have added 49 new citations. Nearly every subject area of the bibliography has at least one new or updated citation.
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We hope you find this information of use and we always welcome feedback.
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