Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity Initiative (OSNAP)

Posted by Prevention Research Center on March 30, 2015

Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity Initiative – this website will help guide you through the process of improving out-of-school time program practices and policies related to healthy foods, drinks and physical activity.

Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity Initiative (OSNAP)

The Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP) Initiative works with out of school time (OST) programs to improve nutrition- and physical activity- related practices, environments, and policies.

From 2009-2014, OSNAP will help partner sites achieve the following Environmental Goals:

  1. Do not serve sugary drinks.
  2. Do not allow sugary drinks to be brought in during program time.
  3. Serve water every day.
  4. Offer a fruit and/or vegetable option at every meal and snack.
  5. Do not serve foods with trans fat.
  6. When serving grains (like bread, crackers, and cereals), serve whole grains.
  7. Eliminate broadcast and cable TV and movies.
  8. Limit computer and digital device time to homework or instructional.
  9. Provide all children with 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.
  10. Offer 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity 3 days per week.

With our community partners, OSNAP will identify and support sustainable policy and environmental strategies that promote increased access to healthy snacks and opportunities for physical activity that can be used in a variety of OST settings.

Researchers are conducting a cluster-randomized control trial to assess children’s physical activity levels and snack and beverage intake through accelerometer wear, examination of plate waste, on-site observations, and policy analysis at baseline and at the end of the school year. Researchers have developed tools that afterschool programs can use to promote healthy snacks and drinks and encourage physical activity in their programs.

The OSNAP initiative is supported by the Prevention Research Center cooperative agreement number 5U48DP001946 from the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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