Optics-Related Education Projects
Posted by SPIE on December 5, 2016
SPIE Invites Applications for Optics-Related Education Projects
SPIE is an international society that works to advance interdisciplinary approaches to the science and application of light.
As part of its education outreach mission, SPIE is awarding grants to support optics- and photonics- related education outreach activities. The society offers two kinds of grants: SPIE Education Outreach grants and Sustaining grants.
1) SPIE Education Outreach grants: New Education Outreach grant applications must include new activities beyond those upon which any previous award was based. In addition, recipients will be asked to submit an annual report to the society on how the grant was used within ninety days of completing the activity.
2) Sustaining Grants: If a program or activity has received an Education Outreach Grant twice in a period of five years, it can apply for further support through a Sustaining grant, which will be limited to a maximum of $2,000. There is no limit to the number of times a program or activity can be presented for a Sustaining grant, but the program or activity will be in competition with all other proposals.
Projects must take place sometime between August 2017 and July 2018.
To eligible, applicants must be a nonprofit organization such as a university, optics center, science center, primary or secondary school, youth club, industry association, or international optical society.
See the SPIE website for complete program guidelines, information about previous grant recipients, and application instructions.
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