Online Toolkit on Engaged Scholarship

Posted by on June 8, 2009

The Research University Civic Engagement Network (TRUCEN) has recently released an online toolkit on engaged scholarship comprised of an annotated bibliography of published articles, links to online resources, and a set of original essays.

A number of community-engaged scholarship (CES) resources from Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) are highlighted, including:

*The Community-Engaged Scholarship (CES) Toolkit, designed to provide community-engaged health professional faculty with a set of tools to carefully plan and document their community-engaged scholarship and produce strong portfolios for promotion and tenure.

*Portfolio excerpts from community-engaged faculty members who have been promoted and/or tenured.

*The CES review, promotion and tenure (RPT) package that includes 8 characteristics of quality CES, a sample dossier for presenting CES work to RPT committees, and a group exercise simulating an RPT committee process that can be used as an educational tool with RPT committees.

*The Building Capacity for Community Engagement: Institutional Self-Assessment that is designed to assess the capacity of a given higher educational institution (or unit therein) for community engagement and CES, and to identify opportunities for action.

*Faculty for the Engaged Campus, a national initiative of CCPH in partnership with the University of Minnesota and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill aims to strengthen community-engaged career paths in the academy, supported by a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the US Department of Education.

One of the original essays, “Practical tools for overcoming the challenges of advancing your career as an engaged scholar” is authored by Cathy Jordan, Co-Director of Faculty for the Engaged Campus.

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