Online Class: Discovering the Power of Program Evaluation – Oct 12,22,29

Posted by La Salle Nonprofit Center on September 24, 2024

Effectively evaluating organizational programming is critical to improve your work, deepen equity and share your impact. During this class we will move beyond using instincts, anecdotal information and educated guesses to documenting whether your programs are meeting their intended goals and directing your resources most effectively for your mission. This class will cover the value of intentional program evaluation, methods for collecting, analyzing and using data, and offer a step-by-step model for evaluation design. We will also look at ways to answer questions around program impact such as: ‘Is this program meeting its intended outcomes?’ ‘Is our program truly connecting and working for the clients we seek to serve?’ ‘How might we shift the program to have greater impact?’ and ‘How do we take steps to sunset programs no longer serving our clients?’ At the end of this class, you will leave with tools, approaches, techniques and ideas that you and your team can implement to learn how effective your programs are and to share those results with clients, stakeholders, and donors. 

Learn more and register.

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