NYTimes Article: Benefits of Volunteerism, if the Service Is Real
Posted by on August 05, 2010
Benefits of Volunteerism, if the Service Is Real
NY Times, 8/1/2010
WHEN I was growing up, I don’t remember hearing much about community service. My parents were certainly civic-minded, but they were a lot more concerned about the work I did around the house. Like cleaning bathrooms and weeding the lawn.
Nowadays, some sort of volunteerism is a given in many places. Through schools, churches, synagogues, Girl and Boy Scouts and countless other organizations, children and teenagers are expected to do something, whether it be fund-raising for charities, working at soup kitchens or assisting at animal shelters.
In the most positive light, such service teaches children and teenagers to look beyond themselves and understand the role they can play in their community and country. In the most negative light, it is one more activity to tick off en route to college.
Read more at: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/31/your-money/31shortcuts.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=volunteerism&st=cse
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