Notice re: emergency gas shutoffs
Posted by on November 19, 2004
[posted from Neighbors On Line Philadelphia]
Many low-income Philadelphia families risk losing their gas heating service next month because of their inability to keep up with payments. This situation will worsen for many other Philadelphians when gas rates are increased by 15% on December 1, 2004.
If this situation affects you or any of the families on your caseloads, the information below may be helpful.
There are several options for emergency cash assistance for households who face service cutoffs because of delinquency. They include:
? The Customer Responsibility Program
PGW offers a Customer Responsibility Program (CRP) to help low-income customers better afford their PGW bills and maintain natural gas service.
? LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
LIHEAP is a federal grant to assist low income customers with their annual heating bills.
A federal CRISIS grant can help pay for heating costs in a heating emergency, when service is off or threatened to be shut off.
? Utility Emergency Services Fund
The UESF provides grants up to $500 to eligible low-income customers to help them pay off the balance of a bill.
? CARES (Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Program)
The CARES program helps customers with special needs.
? Conservation Works Program (CWP)
The PGW Conservation Works Program (CWP) is designed to reduce energy usage and help make energy bills affordable for low-income households.
? 20 % Senior Citizen Discount
PGW customers age 65 or older may qualify for a 20% Senior Citizen Discount Rate.
Information on accessing these resources is available through PGW at 215-684-6100 or through one of the Neighborhood Service Centers or PGW Customer Service Centers. A complete listing of the Neighborhood Service Centers can be found at: <a href=""></a>
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