Nominations for Emerging Latino Leaders – Jun 2
Posted by Coors Light Líderes Program on May 19, 2020
Coors Light Líderes Program Invites Nominations for Emerging Latino Leaders
Since 2006, the Coors Light Líderes Program has rewarded, honored, and highlighted up-and-coming Latino leaders for their achievements, vision, and commitment to their communities.
To that end, each year the Coors Light Líder of the Year program honors twelve outstanding Hispanic individuals for their vision, commitment to service, and ability to inspire their communities within various sectors, including business, education, and the media. Candidates for the award compete for online votes, which determine who is selected to receive the honor of being named Coors Light Líder of the Year and a $25,000 grant to fund a community project, implemented in partnership with Coors Light, to benefit the Hispanic community. To be nominated, individuals must be actively engaged in a nonprofit initiative that involves leadership development, education, environmental stewardship, economic development, volunteerism, or mentoring. Nominees must be in good standing in the community he/she serves, as evidenced by recognition from a local organization, media outlet, or other form of public community support.
Eligible candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 39 years of age, of Hispanic descent, and be actively associated with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, either as staff or as a volunteer.
The nominee’s affiliate nonprofit must have a project or program that benefits the Hispanic community (or be willing to augment existing work to meet program guidelines), have programs that focus on persons of age 21 and older, and not be exclusively focused on advocacy issues such as immigration, civic participation, or politics.
Any nonprofit or member of the public may nominate a leader. The nonprofit organization the nominee is affiliated with must approve/support the nomination.
See the Coors Light Líderes Program website for complete program guidelines and nomination instructions.
Deadline: June 2, 2020
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