Next Generation Learning Challenges Invites Wave II Grant Pre-Proposals
Posted by on February 07, 2011
Next Generation Learning Challenges Invites Wave II Grant Pre-Proposals
Deadline: March 4, 2011(Pre-proposals)
EDUCAUSE is requesting the submission of grant applications for Wave II of the Next Generation Learning Challenges program.
Next Generation Learning Challenges is a collaborative, multiyear grant program aimed at dramatically increasing college readiness and completion through applied technology. Grant money will be issued in multiple funding “waves” launched approximately every six to twelve months.
Wave II focuses on addressing a single, complex challenge: How technology-enabled instructional and assessment materials may fundamentally alter and improve mastery of 7th-9th grade-level Common Core State Standards-aligned content with deeper learning competencies, which are critical to college and career readiness.
This second wave of the NGLC presents one single, integrated challenge comprised of two highly interdependent elements: 1) next-generation approaches to student learning of content with deeper learning competencies; and 2) next-generation assessments. Successful applicants will design, present, and demonstrate efficacy of technology-enabled learning environments that embed assessments. Learning environments should be structured as “learning modules,” which the program defines as Common Core Standards-based content that would typically be covered in a four- to eight-week period of a traditional course of study. Proposals should make clear and explicit how such modules would fit into larger semester or year-long learning sequences (of, for example, algebra or U.S. history) and how their embedded assessment capabilities will capture Common Core Standards-based performance data.
Awards will be made at one of two levels: 1) For proof of concept, awards of up to $250,000 each will be made for periods not to exceed fifteen months (with the option of a six-month no-cost extension); and 2) For early stage adoption, awards of up to $500,000 each will be made for periods not to exceed fifteen months (with the option of a six-month no-cost extension).There is a possibility that projects demonstrating particular effectiveness and proof of or potential for wide adoption will receive additional funds in a future wave of funding.
Visit the Next Generation Learning Web site for compete program guidelines and an updated FAQ.
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