New Website: Phila Children’s Commission
Posted by on March 12, 2007
March 2, 2007
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Philadelphia Children’s Commission listserv. We will send these messages periodically to alert you of news, information and upcoming publications that deal with issues that impact the state of our city’s children and youth. We hope you will invite your friends and colleagues to join us!
Established in 2000 by executive order of Mayor John Street, the Philadelphia Children’s Commission is committed to improving the health, safety, well-being and development of the children and youth of Philadelphia, and to ensuring the development of sustained policy that recognizes that attention to the needs of children and youth are a priority.
The Philadelphia Children’s Commissions has just launched its website. You can visit the site at The website, which will continue to add new material, already contains a wealth of information about the Philadelphia’s children, including resources like the Children’s Budget and Children’s and Community Report Cards, the art and writing of Philadelphia children and youth, links to newspaper articles and other press clips on children’s issues, and an interactive “blog” section, where we invite both members of the Children’s Commission and the community to share their stories and insights. Additionally, you can learn more about specific steps that you can take to get involved and make a difference for children and youth in our city, and make sure that the issues that most affect them are ones that receive concern and attention. There is also a section with information about the Commission and its members and staff.
In addition, you can learn more information about the recently launched initiative “And How are the Children: A Platform for Philadelphia’s Children” on the Commission’s website. This year, the Philadelphia Children’s Commission is engaging in a concerted effort to ensure that all of the city’s Mayoral candidates support a comprehensive series of policies and reforms designed to make a difference for the city’s children and youth. You can learn more about the platform and the issues it contains here.
We encourage you to send this message on to others who are interested in these issues.
Susan Badeau
Executive Director, Philadelphia Children’s Commission
? 2007 Philadelphia Children’s Commission. | [email protected]
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