New Website: Dialogue to Action Initiative
Posted by on August 23, 2002
The Dialogue to Action Initiative website keeps leaders in dialogue and deliberation informed, involved and inspired. Whether you utilize the dialogue process for peace building, improving intergroup relations, fostering innovation, influencing policy, educating citizens or transforming conflicts, you can find out what’s happening in the dialogue community by going to:
Here are some examples of what you can find in Dialogue to Action’s Community section:
– The August Issue of Utne Reader Focuses on the Power of Dialogue
– An Update on the National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation
– IAP2 to Promote Public Participation at the World Summit on Sustainable Development
– Nonviolent Peaceforce Seeks Field Researchers
– New Margaret Wheatley Book on the Power of Human Conversation
– New Toolkits Available from Demos
– Public Conversations Project Re-Launches their Website for Dialogue Practitioners
– The Rolling Thunder Down-Home Democracy Tour
And please check out this special announcement from the Participate America Foundation:
The Participate America Foundation,, a new nonprofit organization in Washington, DC, is coordinating and marketing National Civic Participation Week. They are developing a campaign to challenge Americans to participate in their communities through four acts of citizenship during the week of September 11 – 17, 2002:
– Volunteering time and talents to a community or group
– Engaging in dialogue with elected officials and community leaders
– Voting with knowledge, conviction and purpose
– Contributing money or other in-kind donations to worthy organizations
They are recruiting interested groups to organize events throughout the country. Please contact [email protected] for additional information.
We hope you enjoy and benefit from all of the new resources on the site!
More in "New Resources"
- New Resources from the National Council of Nonprofits
- New Executive Order Impacting Nonprofits
- Research Report: Using institutional data to understand the impacts of community engagement across the country
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