New Report: Putting Women’s Health Care Disparities on the Map
Posted by on July 13, 2009
Report Explores Differences in the Health Experiences of Women Across the Nation and by Sate
Putting Women’s Health Care Disparities on the Map: Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities at the State Level documents the health experiences of women of particular racial and ethnic groups and how these experiences differ across the nation and by state. The report, published by the Kaiser Family Foundation, examines the magnitude of the racial and ethnic differences between white women and women of color for 25 indicators of health and well being in three dimensions: health status, access and use, and social determinants. The report also examines health care payment and work force issues that help shape access at the state level. Indicators are based on criteria that included both the relevancy of the indicator as a measure of women’s health and access to care and the availability of the data by state. The report is available at
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