New Report: Improving Fresh Food Retailing in Small Stores
Posted by on July 30, 2007
Improving Fresh Food Retailing in Small Stores
As a result of decades of inequitable public policymaking and private-sector disinvestments, many low-income communities of color are plagued by a ?grocery gap? ? a lack of access to full-service supermarkets offering produce and other fresh, healthy foods. Food options in these neighborhoods are often limited to fast food outlets and small convenience stores. Healthy Food, Healthy Communities: Improving Access and Opportunities Through Food Retailing, a PolicyLink report released in 2005 detailed strategies to expand fresh food access through developing new grocery stores, improving the selection and quality of food in existing smaller stores, and starting and sustaining farmers? markets. Representative Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) is working to bring federal attention to the issue of small store improvement with her plan to introduce the Bodegas as a Catalyst for Healthy Living Act (?bodega? is a commonly-used term for small corner convenience-like stores that are prevalent in New York City?particularly in communities of color?and other urban areas). The legislation would create Small Business Administration grants to assist bodega and corner store owners in increasing their offerings of fresh produce (which is more difficult and costly to stock than packaged, nonperishable foods), milk, and juices.
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