New Issue of Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research and Practice
Posted by on January 04, 2010
New Issue of Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research and Practice
To register for Journal of Youth Development to read complete articles:
Opportunities Matter: Exploring Youths Perspectives on Their Long-Term Participation in an Urban 4-H Youth Development Program [090403FA001]
Ferrari, Theresa M.; Lekies, Kristi S.; Arnett, Nate
This article highlights a study which explored youths perspectives on their long-term involvement at Adventure Central, a comprehensive 4-H youth development program based at an urban park facility. We conducted four focus groups with 16 youth between the ages of 12 and 16 who had participated in the program between three and seven years.
Afterschool Programs in America: Origins, Growth, Popularity, and Politics [090403FA002]
Mahoney, Joseph L.; Parente, Maria E.; Zigler, Edward F.
The historical and recent growth of afterschool program (ASPs) in the U.S. is discussed in this article. Particular attention is given to the recent history of social and political influences that have led to growth and current popularity of ASPs.
A New System of Classifying Out-of-School Time Job Responsibilities [090403FA004]
Buher Kane, Jennifer; Peter, Nancy
Out-of-school time (OST) is a burgeoning field with both research and policy implications. Efforts to improve professional development for OST staff members are of particular interest, as funding streams increasingly target interventions which promote positive changes in student outcomes.
Neighborhood Youth Centers and Families as Supportive Environments for Youth in High Risk Urban Settings [090403FA005]
Sabatelli, Ronald M.; Anderson, Stephen A.; Britner, Preston A.; Liefeld, Julie A.
Highlights of a study which examined the relationship between contextual assets within the lives of urban, poor, minority youth, and youth adjustment are discussed in this article.
Program Articles
Positive Youth Development through Civic Engagement [090403PA001]
Parker, Jennifer S.; Bauknight, Laura
As part of the 175th anniversary celebration of Spartanburg, South Carolina, three local foundations and the United Way agreed to fund a youth leadership project. A University of South Carolina Upstate (USC Upstate) faculty member with expertise in youth development and the coordinator of the Spartanburg Youth Council agreed to develop the project and serve as the project directors.
Project H.O.P.E.: Effective University Engagement with Community Afterschool Programs [090403PA002]
Jentleson, Barbara; Henderson, Elizabeth; Johnson, Denice M.
Implemented in 2002 by the Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership, Project H.O.P.E. has improved the quantity and quality of afterschool programs for the youth of Durham, NC. Project H.O.P.E. provides tutoring programs, enrichment resources, and evaluation support to non-profit community partner organizations located in the low income Durham neighborhoods surrounding Duke University.
Research and Evaluation Strategies
Methodological Note: On Using Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) for Survey Administration in the Study of Youth Development [090403RS001]
Abo-Zena, Mona M.; Warren, Amy Eva Alberts; Issac, Sonia S.; Du, Dan; Phelps, Erin; Lerner, Richard M.; Roeser, Robert W.
Applied developmental scientists face the challenge of identifying research methods that enable the efficient collection of data from youth of diverse social backgrounds (e.g., ethnic. racial, religious, economic) and varying levels cognitive-linguistic and attentional skills.
Resource Reviews
Coaching the Camp Coach: Leadership Development for Small Organizations [090403RR001]
Hedrick, Jason; Homan, Greg
Coaching is an important component of successful professional growth for leaders within any organization. This can be especially true for small business, non profit organizations and summer camps. Coaching the Camp Coach; Leadership Development for Small Organizations by Shelton, M. (2003) provides a framework, both in theory and practice, for camp leaders to improve interpersonal and intrapersonal skills through self evaluation. Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM that has multiple worksheets to be used in conjunction with the text.
Suzanne Le Menestrel, Ph.D.
National Program Leader, Youth Development Research
Acting Director, Youth Development
4-H National Headquarters
USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture
[email protected]
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