New Guide: Improving the Health of Adolescents
Posted by on June 3, 2005
[posted from Community Campus Partnerships for Health newsletter]
Improving the Health of Adolescents & Young Adults: A Guide for States and Communities Offers Guidance and a Framework for Planning and Implementing Programs for Healthy Youth
The Guide is a companion to Healthy People 2010. The Guide was developed by CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health and HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Adolescent Health, in collaboration with the National Adolescent Health Information Center.
The Guide will be especially helpful to those who want to translate the key objectives for youth into a vision and plan for improving the health, safety, and well-being of adolescents and young adults in their communities. It was shaped by experts from a variety of perspectives (universities; national organizations; and federal, state, local, and voluntary agencies) for interpretation and application of the objectives in a youth development framework. It bridges the work of Healthy People 2010 to related efforts, such as Steps to a Healthier US and the National Initiative to Improve Adolescent Health by 2010, which aspires to attain all 21 Critical Health Objectives.
Printed versions or CD-ROMs can be ordered free of charge.
The complete text of the Guide is available online for reading, and for downloading and printing.
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