New Film: No Child Left Behind
Posted by on September 30, 2005
[posted from Public Education Network newsblast]
Filmmaker Lerone Wilson, 23, never envisioned himself producing a politically charged hour-long television documentary on the federal education program. Nevertheless two and a half years later, the resulting film “No Child Left Behind” will air in late August in selected public television markets. During the course of his senior year at the New York University film school, Wilson spent a great deal of time tutoring students at PS217 as part of a work/study program. It was there that he became familiar with many educators? discontent with the new legislation. The film, which was designed to be a balanced look into the issues surrounding the NCLB program, has shown to be highly polarizing. Complaints concerning its alleged political leanings continue from liberals and conservatives alike. “I’ve seen lots of hurtful and offensive remarks flung around surrounding this issue. But after producing this film I’ve realized it?s not out of ill will, rather because it?s an issue that lots of people have a vested interest in, and care passionately about.” Having attended schools in both Southfield, and Birmingham, Lerone spends a great deal the film?s time exploring a controversial aspect of the NCLB discussion, the black/white achievement gap. “Growing up I studied in these two demographically distinct school districts. I always wondered why despite the negligible economic differences, one group consistently outperformed the other. This really bothered me.” Wilson said. While he and his production company don’t intend to single-handedly solve the issues raised in the film, they do hope to have an impact upon social discourse. View the film trailer online at:
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