New Fact Sheets from National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
Posted by on December 20, 2002
1. Check out the new fact sheet on the Evidence Base of Service-Learning at the K-12 level:
This document is a complement to our existing page on the Evidence Base of Service-Learning In Higher Education.
2. Take a look at our new bibliography on the Theory of Service-Learning, which we developed in response to user questions on the subject:
Other resources on the basics of service-learning are available by clicking “Welcome” on our home page.
Spenser T.
Interim Librarian
National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
Toll-free 866-245-7378, ext. 198
“America’s Source for Service-Learning”
More in "New Resources"
- New Resources from the National Council of Nonprofits
- New Executive Order Impacting Nonprofits
- Research Report: Using institutional data to understand the impacts of community engagement across the country
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