New Edition of Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
Posted by on November 10, 2008
We are about to release the new fall issue (volume 15, number 1) of the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. The table of contents is below. A one-year subscription is $22 for individuals and $28 for institutions (i.e., libraries, service-learning offices).
Ordering is simple: go to the Michigan Journal website ( and click on “order information.”
Your subscription not only gets you the latest research, pedagogical models, and book review essays, but helps to sustain this resource that many consider to be the most important service-learning and engaged scholarship publication.
In this issue:
“A Double-Edged Sword”: College Student Perceptions of Required High School Service-Learning by Susan R. Jones, Thomas C. Segar, and Anna L. Gasiorski
Theoretical Foundations for International Service-Learning by Robbin D. Crabtree
Charity and Social Change: The Impact of Individual Preferences on Service-Learning Outcomes by Barbara E. Moely, Andrew Furco, and Julia Reed
Service-Learning in the United States and South Africa: A Comparative Analysis Informed by John Dewey and Julius Nyerere by Julie A. Hatcher and Mabel A. Erasmus
Save the World on Your Own Time
Stanley Fish
Reviewed by Dan W. Butin
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