NEW BRIEFS: Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents
Posted by The Aspen Institute on July 21, 2020
The Aspen Postsecondary Success for Parents (PSP) Initiative developed a series of briefs detailing creative strategies that aim to dismantle barriers to postsecondary education for students who are parents. The Strategies and Innovations that Support Student Parents briefs share solutions that were generated by postsecondary and workforce development experts who participated in Ascend’s convenings.
Postsecondary leaders who understand their students’ diverse roles and needs, as well as the systemic gaps at their institutions, are better positioned to pursue additional strategies that support the achievement goals of student parents. The seven briefs focus on the following topics and strategies:
- Confirm parenting status and assessing barriers to completion
- Leverage state and federal policy opportunities
- Provide financial supports responsive to parents
- Identify mental health and well-being interventions
- Create a family friendly campus
- Add high-quality non-degree pathways for parents
- Create networks for parents to eliminate social stigma
Read the briefs:
Click here for all Postsecondary Success for Parents news and resources:
Learn more about the Aspen Postsecondary Success for Parents (PSP) Initiative:
More in "New Resources"
- New Book: STEM Smart Parenting
- Federal Work-Study Partnership Toolkit for Districts and Nonprofits
- Want to stay healthier and fulfilled later in life? Try volunteering
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