New Article: Reculturing Schools
Posted by on March 24, 2006
[posted from Public Education Network newsblast]
Although no one factor — not even one as pervasive and consequential as organizational culture — can account for the success of a system as complex and multifaceted as a public school district, a strong case can be made for culture as the primary factor determining successful improvement of K-12 public education. It seems a no-brainer to say that a politicized, fear-based, top-down, excuse-prone, bureaucratic culture is antithetical to sustainable high performance in public education; whereas a culture of trust, openness, collaboration, and results orientation that is built on shared ownership of a compelling vision of the future is essential for sustaining high performance in public schools. Culture not only matters, it is a sine qua non of educational improvement. But what exactly is organizational culture? In essence, it is the underlying shared beliefs, history, assumptions, norms, and values that manifest themselves in patterns of behavior, or, in other words, “the way we do things around here.” A brief from the Panasonic Foundation, edited by Scott Thompson, outlines several strategies for reculturing schools to increase student achievement and improve school climate.
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