New Administration, New Beginnings: Energizing Communities and the Economy
Posted by on February 23, 2009
Prepare Yourself and Your Community for the Largest Pool of Economic Development-Related Funding Ever Seen!
Register today for the International Economic Development Council’s Federal Economic Development Forum
New Administration, New Beginnings: Energizing Communities and the Economy
March 15-17, 2009
Washington, DC Metro Area
The International Economic Development Council’s (IEDC) Federal Economic Development Forum , March 15-17, Washington, DC is the single most important event to attend to prepare yourself and your community for what is proposed under the new Economic Stimulus Bill.
Protect Your Viability and Competitiveness: Knowing how to tap into stimulus package resources will be crucial to every economic development organization. Where else can you gain in-depth intelligence in just 2 days?
Get the New Roadmap: The landscape of the economic development industry is changing rapidly. Do you have the tools to navigate the new complexities?
Timing is Everything: Federal agencies will aim to get funding out quickly. Will you be ready?
There has never been a more important time to attend the 2009 IEDC Federal Economic Development Forum. The Forum will help you understand this fast-changing environment for economic development and how to tap into stimulus package resources that will further economic recovery in your community. You need all the intelligence you can gather to help your community navigate this new environment and access the resources to stay competitive.
View the conference program (, expert speakers (, and register today (!
Forum Highlights:
* Hear from insiders on how the stimulus investments will be allocated and how to access them for your community.
* Gain innovative ideas and resources for managing the economic crisis that you can use in your community.
* Understand and influence the economic development priorities of our political leaders as they craft new regulatory and policy priorities.
* Understand how the stimulus recovery plan and policy priorities can address today’s economic challenges while strengthening our long-term economic competitiveness globally.
The Federal Economic Development Forum is loaded with expert speakers ready to answer your questions and prepare you to leave Washington with invaluable insight into the future of our country and your community.
Dr. Blanchard is a former Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Associate Director who oversaw close to $200 billion of federal program budgets. He helped implement the Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) and other performance management efforts for many federal agencies, including the Treasury Department, Housing and Urban Development, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Transportation, Department of Justice, and General Services Administration
On November 16th, 2006, the House Democratic Caucus unanimously elected Congressman James E. Clyburn of South Carolina Majority Whip for the 110th Congress. This was a historic day for House Democrats, having just won back the majority for the first time in twelve years. It was also historic for Jim Clyburn, who became the first South Carolinian and the second African American to ascend to the third ranking position in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Senator Mary L. Landrieu (D-La), has been a fighter for Louisiana since she was first elected to the Louisiana state legislature at the age of 23. The first woman from Louisiana elected to a full term in the U.S. Senate, in 1996, she is the state’s senior senator, an Appropriations Committee member and has been ranked by the nonpartisan as the tenth most effective legislator in the Senate.
Maya MacGuineas is the President of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and the Director of the Fiscal Policy Program at the New America Foundation. Her areas of expertise include the budget, entitlements and tax policy.
Isabel V. Sawhill is a senior fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution. She serves as director of the Budgeting for National Priorities project and co-director of the Center on Children and Families. She holds the Cabot Family Chair.
Ray Uhalde is Director of the Workforce Development Strategies Group at the National Center on Education and the Economy. He leads a small staff in strategic planning, policy development and technical assistance for several states, cities, and non-profit organizations. Ray also serves as the deputy staff director for the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce.
Mary Jo Waits is director of the Social, Economic, and Workforce Program division with the NGA Center for Best Practices. Mary Jo was an author of Investing in Innovation, a report by the Pew Center on the States and National Governors Association (NGA) released during NGA’s Innovation America Initiative.
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