Netter Center 20th Anniversary Conference

Posted by on October 15, 2012

Netter Center 20th Anniversary Conference

The Barbara and Edward Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania turned 20 this summer. In celebration of this anniversary, the Netter Center is hosting an International Conference on “The Role of Higher Education-Community-School Partnerships in Creating Democratic Communities Locally, Nationally, and Globally” on November 12-13, 2012 on Penn’s campus in Houston Hall.

The conference will feature a number of major plenaries and thematic sessions on key topics related to university-community-school partnerships, including college access, nutrition and health, STEM, arts and culture, education and citizenship, poverty and race, anchor institutions, as well as perspectives from university and college presidents. Penn President Gutmann will be offering remarks and presenting awards during the luncheon on Monday, November 12.

Registration, as well as the complete agenda, is now available at this link:

For more information, please visit

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