National Wildlife Refuge Friends Group Grant Program
Posted by on July 09, 2012
Applications Invited for National Wildlife Refuge Friends Group Grant Program
Deadline: August 20, 2012
In recognition of the important role refuge friends organizations play in building critical community support for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, along with its partners, is requesting grant proposals for projects that help these organizations be effective co-stewards of important natural resources within the National Wildlife Refuge System.
The Friends Group grant program provides competitive seed grants for creative and innovative proposals that aim to increase the number and effectiveness of organizations interested in assisting the refuge system nationwide. The primary purpose of the program is to provide assistance to new and existing friends organizations. For the fall 2012 grant cycle, friends organizations are invited to submit proposals that focus on start-up and capacity-building projects.
Grants will be provided to support proposals that fall within the following areas:
1) Start-up grants — Funds will be provided to assist starting refuge friends organizations with formative and/or initial operational support. For example, funds may be requested for such things as membership drives, tuition for nonprofit training programs, brochure and newsletter development, logo design, office equipment, or consultant fees for planning a mission and strategic plan.
2) Capacity-building grants — Funds will be provided to strengthen the capacity of existing refuge friends organizations. Capacity building refers to projects that enhance an organization’s abilities while allowing them to achieve measurable and sustainable results. For example, projects may include outreach programs aimed at increasing organizational capacity to serve the public; business plan development or other strategic planning costs; membership program development; board/ leadership development such as trainings; development of exhibits to expand community outreach efforts; tuition for skill-building training programs; and nature or book store start-up expenses.
Eligible applicants are official refuge friends organizations. Applicants must either be tax-exempt under section 501(c), or be in the process of applying for 501(c)(3) status and submit with their grant application a copy of the letter from the IRS confirming their application has been filed.
Grants will range from $1,500 to $5,000.
The complete Request for Proposals and application instructions are available at the NFWF Web site.
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