National Vacanr Properties Campaign
Posted by on August 22, 2003
[from LISC e-newsletter]
>> National Vacant Properties Campaign Launches
LISC, working in partnership with Smart Growth America (SGA) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), launched the National Vacant Properties Campaign at a day-long forum on July 9 in Washington, DC. The Campaign, which has received seed funding from the Fannie Mae Foundation and the US Environmental Protection Agency, has the primary goals of making vacant property reclamation a national priority and giving communities the tools they need to effectively address the issue. More than 75 people attended the kick-off forum, including community development practitioners, environmentalists, policymakers, local and federal government officials, funders, researchers, and business people. To learn more about or join the National Vacant Properties Campaign, or to download vacant property revitalization information resources, visit the Vacant Properties Campaign website.
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