National Service-Learning Partnership’s Advocacy Recommendations
Posted by on March 7, 2003
The National Service-Learning Partnership’s Advocacy Committee recommends focusing on four top-priority bills in 2003:
* The Citizen Service Act
* The Civic Education and Service-Learning Enhancement Act
* FY’04 appropriations for the National & Community Service Trust Act
* Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965
The Advocacy committee is responsible for developing and coordinating a national policy action agenda for service-learning, based on each year’s legislative schedule in the US Congress. An overview of the principal service-learning legislation Congress may consider in 2003 is now available on the Partnership’s website. Use the following link to go there now:
<a href=""></a>
This list of bill proposals was developed collaboratively, between the Advocacy Committee and members of the service-learning community at-large. Nelda Brown, Advocacy Committee chair, will present these recommendations to the Partnership’s board of directors at its next meeting, which is to be held March 1-2 2003.
Responses to the policy agenda are encouraged. Contact the Partnership [212-367-4570 or [email protected]] with your comments and questions, or for more information.
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