National Liberty Museum’s Teacher Trainings
Posted by on March 16, 2009
A friendly reminder to register NOW for the Spring 2009 Teacher Training courses on Saturday, March 28th and Saturday, April 4th! Courses run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Fulfill your Act 48 Continuing Professional Education requirements with us at the National Liberty Museum.
Please register now as classes are filling up quickly!
March 28th:
1. Character Education: Understanding Girls’ Friendships and Conflicts
Educators are increasingly aware of and concerned about the impact of cliques and girls’ unique ways of dealing with friendships, conflicts and aggression on classroom dynamics, social interactions and girls’ social and emotional development. This presentation looks at psychological research, popular media portrayals, and teachers’ experiences in examining gender differences in girls’ and boys’ friendships, schoolwork and play patterns. The implications for conflict resolution are explored as well as the developmental differences in expressions of anger and the roles girls assume. Character education strategies will be presented for educators to use in helping girls develop healthy relationships and prevent relational aggression.
2. Anger & the Brain: From Pre-teen to Teenager
We know that counting to 10 doesn’t work anymore. Learn the latest techniques to help students deal with feelings and express themselves without disrupting others. Hear what brain research has discovered and how you can manage your classroom better.
April 4th:
3. Music to Improve Literacy and Promote Peaceful Solutions to Conflict
Our cultures, learning styles, and varied experiences affect the way we teach and learn. In this session, participants will gain an understanding of the ways context influences both instruction and learning in the classroom. By building competencies using lyrics to popular Hip Hop music, participants will examine new methods of culturally responsive teaching, including building literacy skills, flexible grouping, instructional strategies and conflict resolution geared toward students of all learning styles, new knowledge, skills and attitudes will enable participants to better serve their increasingly diverse students. Offered in partnership with Edlyrics.
**English teachers, general education teachers, and music teachers are encouraged to take this LITERACY workshop**
4. Classroom Management: Nurturing a Culture of Achievement
Managing you class is like putting together a puzzle. You need all the parts to fit together to help your students succeed. What preparations do highly effective teachers make to assure smooth running of their classroom? Practical tools and innovative techniques will be provided by a veteran educator who has guided new teachers as well as those with decades of experience. Learn strategies to support development of classroom community to boost confidence and resolve conflicts. Share proactive strategies for effective classroom management in our increasingly smaller world.
215-925-2800 ext 133
321 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Enjoy an enriching workshop while you get the practical help you both Want and Deserve.
We are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to deal with violence and bigotry so that your students can achieve better scores and become better people, too.
Each course provides 15 hours of Act 48 Continuing Professional Education Credits approved by both the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Education
√ All courses are interactive with hands-on lesson plan
√ Appropriate for teachers of all grade levels
√ Presented by experts in their field
√ Conducted at the acclaimed National Liberty Museum
√ Just $25 per course to cover the cost of lunch & materials
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