National Civic Review seeking submissions
Posted by on June 3, 2005
[posted from Higher Ed Service-Learning listserv]
National Civic Review is currently seeking quality submissions for publication.
The National Civic Review is a quarterly publication of the National Civic League, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes civic engagement, community building, political reform and democratic governance The journal’s mission is to inform, inspire and stimulate discussion on ways of strengthening democratic institutions and making them more inclusive, accountable and responsive to citizens. Although the focus is primarily local and regional, we do publish selective articles on civic renewal/reform efforts at the state and federal levels.
The journal publishes essays and reports written by civic activists, community practitioners, theorists, and scholars in the fields of public administration, community building, political reform, government and social problem solving. The scope of the journal encompasses both representative democracy and newer, non-traditional forms of democracy that seek to engage citizens in deliberative discussions and civic action efforts.
National Civic Review’s Department Section offers reports, cases studies, how-to articles and updates on the following topics:
Political Reform. Innovative ways of making democratic institutions more inclusive and accountable–campaign finance restrictions, contribution limits, public financing systems, ethics, public disclosure requirements, instant runoff voting, proportional representation; fair election administration and legislative redistricting; voter education and participation programs.
Community Building. Efforts to build civic infrastructure and bridge gaps between citizens, community leaders and elected or appointed officials’ community-based planning and problem solving efforts; cooperative efforts between the public, private and nonprofit sectors; comprehensive community development programs; Study Circle discussion groups and other forms of deliberative democracy.
Trends in Civic Engagement. Efforts to promote a broader and deeper civic involvement by the public–neighborhood organizing, advocacy, service learning and civic engagement programs at schools and universities, government planning efforts that use innovative methods of involving and empowering ordinary citizens.
Local Government. Regional cooperation, re-inventing government, government structure or systems change and innovative programs on housing, education, social services, transportation or economic development.
Readership consists of civic actors and thinkers, community leaders, local government officials and staff, political reform advocates, leaders within the nonprofit and foundation world, students and educators in public administration, political science, and urban planning.
Manuscript Submissions
Manuscripts must be original works not currently under consideration. Essays should be no longer than 5,000 words. Department pieces should be no longer than 3,000 words.
Address submissions to:
Michael McGrath
Editor, National Civic Review
National Civic League
1445 Market
Suite 3000
Denver, CO 80202
[email protected]
Author Guidelines
To visit author guidelines for National Civic Review please visit:
Sample Articles
To view sample articles please visit:
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