National AmeriCorps*VISTA Grant
Posted by on July 18, 2003
Two Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) for AmeriCorps*VISTA program grants, one nation-wide and the other for the Southwest Cluster, are now on the Corporation internet site. The link on the Corporation website is There you will find the Notice and Application Instructions/Forms. Applicants will not use eGrants at this time.
AmeriCorps*VISTA is an antipoverty national service program focusing on sustainable change in low-income communities. The issue areas under the national NOFA are: (1) children and youth; (2) welfare to work; (3) financial asset development; (4) seniors in poverty and (5) homeland security. The issue areas under the Southwest Cluster NOFA are (1) homeland security and (2) seniors in poverty.
AmeriCorps*VISTA members serve full-time for one year and the program grant minimum is 15 VISTAs and maximum of 40 VISTAs for the SW Cluster NOFA or 50 VISTAs for the nationwide NOFA.
All program grants will be awarded by mid-September. Please review the notice and application instructions carefully and be sure to note the different due dates.
Southwest Cluster NOFA – Due August 4
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathie Ferguson, (303) 312-7959. The TDD number is 202-565-2799. For a printed copy of this NOFA and the supplementary information and application guidelines (available on-line), contact Ms. Ferguson at (303) 312-7959. Upon request, this information will be made available in alternate formats for people with disabilities.
Nationwide NOFA – Due August 15
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kelly Daly at (202) 606-5000 ext. 378, or by e-mail at [email protected]. The TDD number is 202-565-2799. For a printed copy of this NOFA and the supplementary information and application guidelines (available on-line), contact Ms. Daly at (202) 606-5000 ext. 378. Upon request, this information will be made available in alternate formats for people with disabilities.
Again, the link is
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