NASPA LEAD Initiative Institution Application, Due June 30

Posted by NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education on May 14, 2019

The LEAD Initiative began in 2012-2013 with three primary goals.  First, the initiative was seen as a way to advance the institutionalization of Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement (CLDE) work in student affairs divisions and postsecondary institutions more broadly. Second, we wanted to facilitate peer-to-peer sharing and collaboration across the participating colleges and universities.  And finally, we sought to increase the awareness of student affairs’ overt contributions to students’ citizenship development, civic learning, and community engagement. After the first six years of our efforts, we can safely say we have made significant progress towards these goals.

As we transition into year seven of this initiative, we are again seeking connection and engagement with NASPA members and NASPA institutions committed to CLDE work on their campus.  Whether you are just beginning efforts to stimulate campus work in this space, or are a seasoned nationally recognized campus leader in CLDE work, NASPA hopes you will consider joining the LEAD Initiative.

Our objectives for the 2019-2020 year will facilitate exchanges of knowledge and develop a sense of community around our shared civic learning and democratic engagement work. The LEAD Initiative will evolve to incorporate our CLDE Theory of Change which poses four important questions:

  1. Purpose:What are the key features of the thriving democracy we aspire to enact and support through our work?
  2. Learning Outcomes:What knowledge, skills, and dispositions do people need in order to help create and contribute to a thriving democracy?
  3. Pedagogy:How can we best foster the acquisition and development of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for a thriving democracy?
  4. Strategy: How can we build the institutional culture, infrastructure, and relationships needed to support learning that enables a thriving democracy?

Institutions selected to participate in this initiative will work collaboratively in cohorts to share resources, promising practices, and participate in professional networking opportunities. LEAD institutions receive support and continuing professional development from NASPA through this network as well as public recognition for their efforts.

Apply here.

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