Moskowitz Prize for Research on Socially Responsible Investing
Posted by on April 4, 2003
From: Rob Hanson
The 2003 Moskowitz Prize – For outstanding research in the field of Socially Responsible Investing
2003 Deadline for Entries: June 30, 2003 (see below for how to enter).
The Moskowitz Prize was introduced in 1996 to encourage and recognize outstanding research on socially responsible investing. It is named for Milton Moskowitz, one of the first investigators to publish comparisons of the financial performance of screened and unscreened portfolios. Mr. Moskowitz is one of the leading researchers on corporate social responsibility. His distinguished works include an annual list of the best companies to work for in Fortune magazine, and his book, The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America.
the prize:
$2,500 will be awarded to the author of the study judged to be most outstanding.The prize-winning study will be accepted for publication in the Journal of Investing. Additional monetary prizes may be awarded at the judges’ discretion.
Anyone may enter. Studies may be published or unpublished, but unpublished studies should be of a quality appropriate for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal. Studies will be considered for the Prize only once. In the event no acceptable study is submitted, the judges will select a winner from previously published studies.
judging criteria:
Entries will be reviewed by a jury of scholars and investment professionals.
Judging criteria will include:
1. Practical significance to practitioners of socially responsible investing.
2. Appropriateness and rigor of quantitative methods.
3. Novelty of results.
sponsors of the prize are:
Calvert Group;
Harris Bretall Sullivan & Smith;
Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini & Co.;
Rockefeller & Co., and
Trillium Asset Management.
Administration of the prize is supervised by the Social Investment Forum in cooperation with the Colloquium on Socially Responsible Investing.
announcement of winner:
The Prize winner will be announced at the social investment industry’s SRI in the
Rockies conference in Lake Tahoe, California (October 19-22).
how to enter:
Send three copies of your manuscript to:
Moskowitz Prize
c/o Lloyd Kurtz
Harris Bretall Sullivan & Smith
One Sansome Street, Suite 3300
San Francisco, CA 94104
Write to the above address, or e-mail [email protected]
deadline for entries: June 30, 2003
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